EU & International Affairs

Role of the Committee

Ross_mcmahon.jpgThe purpose of the EU & International Affairs Committee (the “Committee”) is to monitor and report on developments, especially at EU level and generally in the international sphere. These include relevant legal developments which either impact on the profession at large or may be of particular interest to the President and the Council of the Law Society: The objectives of the Committee are:

  1. To promote of EU Law through seminars, conferences and debates, to assist the profession as a whole in becoming adequately informed and alerted to international and EU developments recognised by the Committee to be of relevance;

  2. To advocate with government departments in respect of transparency and implementation of EU Law;

  3. To promote of EC Law through seminars, conferences and debates, to assist the profession as a whole in becoming adequately informed and alerted to international and EU developments recognised by this Committee to be of relevance;

  4. To represent at international institutions (mainly the CCBE and the IBA, the UINL and GILBA) through delegates appointed by the Council - see more information and latest updates regarding our representation at the CCBE.

  5. To disseminate of information concerning EU Law to other committees of the Law Society.

Chair: Ross McMahon

Vice-Chair: Richard Kelly


  • Hilkka Becker
  • Martin Cooney
  • Paul Egan SC
  • Duncan Grehan
  • Brendan Hayes
  • Niamh Hodnett
  • Anthony Joyce
  • T P Kennedy
  • Cormac Little SC
  • Alan McCarthy
  • Bernard O’Connor SC
  • Maureen O’Neill
  • Maura Derivan

Secretary: Megan Murphy Byrne

Current issues on the Committee's agenda include:

International Representation

  1. CCBE (Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe): The CCBE is the representative organisation of more than 700,000 European lawyers, through its member bars and law societies from 31 full member countries, and 6 further observer countries. A non-profit-making association, the CCBE was founded in 1960 and has been at the forefront of advancing the views of European lawyers and defending the legal principles upon which democracy and the rule of law are based. Go to

  2. Representatives: Cormac Little SC (Law Society Representative), Julia Volkmar (Information Officer (Information Officer). See the list of CCBE members

    UINL (International Union of Latin Notaries): The UINL is a non-governmental organisation established to promote, co-ordinate and develop the duties and activities of Notaries throughout the world and ensure the standing and independence necessary for optimum service to individuals and society through close collaboration between Chambers of Notaries - visit www.uinl.orgThe committee plays a role in inter-country exchanges as between notaries in Spain, France and

    Representative: Ross McMahon

  3. The European Bars Federation / Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe (FBE)

    The European Bars Federation / Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe (FBE) was founded in Barcelona on 23 May 1992 as successor to the Conference of Major European Bars. Its headquarters are in Strasbourg. Membership in the FBE is open to all national and local Bars and to the Law Societies within the Council of Europe. The Law Society of Ireland became a member of the FBE on 16 June 2023. Today the FBE has 200 members Bars, representing more than 1,000,000 lawyers. The FBE promotes the rule of law, the supremacy of the law, the independence of justice and the right to a fair trial. The FBE represent the defence of human rights in Europe and in the world and acts when these principles are threatened in many jurisdictions. The FBE is organised with standing committees and ad hoc commissions. The former are dedicated to universal and basic aspects. The latter are dedicated to contingent or local needs. All commissions work constantly to reach the fixed goal. The FBE organizes two annual congresses, each time in a different European City. These events offer unique opportunities to discuss common problems and share information and experiences. The FBE is committed to providing international specialist legal training, including participation in congresses organised by member bar associations, law societies and other legal entities so as to reach a greater number of recipients

    Representative: Maura Derivan

  4. European Lawyers in Lesvos (ELIL)

    European Lawyers in Lesvos (ELIL) was established in June 2016 by the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and the German Bar Association (DAV), becoming an independent charitable organisation in October 2017. It receives financial support from 37 European Bars and Law Societies, as well as the Greek Bars, with a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Greek Government to provide legal assistance to migrants in Lesvos. The island of Lesvos faced a significant influx of migrants, with an estimate of over 573,000 arrivals in 2015, while its legal profession consists of approximately 100 members. ELIL operates in Moria Camp, focusing on providing one-on-one legal consultations to asylum seekers, particularly from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, assisting them in preparing for asylum interviews and family reunification applications under the Dublin Regulation. The organisation relies on volunteer lawyers from 17 European countries who have assisted over 5,000 individuals in the past two years.

    Representative: Cormac Little SC

Please email any queries to the Committee Secretary, Megan Murphy Byrne