Role of the Committee
The purpose of the EU & International Affairs Committee (the “Committee”) is to monitor and report on developments, especially at EU level and generally in the international sphere. These include relevant legal developments which either impact on the profession at large or may be of particular interest to the President and the Council of the Law Society.
The Committee's activities include:
promotion of EU Law through seminars, conferences and debates, to assist the profession as a whole in becoming adequately informed and alerted to international and EU developments recognised by the Committee to be of relevance;
advocacy with government departments in respect of transparency and implementation of EU Law;
promotion of EC Law through seminars, conferences and debates, to assist the profession as a whole in becoming adequately informed and alerted to international and EU developments recognised by this Committee to be of relevance;
representation at international institutions (mainly the CCBE and the IBA, the UINL and GILBA) through delegates appointed by the Council - see more information and latest updates regarding our representation at the CCBE.
dissemination of information concerning EU Law to other committees of the Law Society.
Members & Secretary
Chair: Ross McMahon
Vice-Chair: Richard Kelly
Cormac Little SC
Martin Cooney
Duncan Grehan
Brendan Hayes
Niamh Hodnett
Anthony Joyce
T P Kennedy
Alan McCarthy
Maureen O’Neill
Barry Sheehan
Hilkka Becker
Michele O’Boyle
Secretary: Megan Murphy Byrne
Contact Us
If there is a matter of particular interest or concern to you, contact the Committee by emailing the Committee Secretary, Megan Murphy Byrne.