Notice to all practising solicitors: practice names

<p>The attention of all practising solicitors is drawn to regulation 4 of SI no 178 of 1996...</p>

Registrar of Solicitors 07/10/2011

The attention of all practising solicitors is drawn to regulation 4 of SI no 178 of 1996 – Solicitors (Practice, Conduct and Discipline) Regulations 1996 – which provides that the name of the practice under which a solicitor or a firm of solicitors carry on business shall consist only of the name or one of the names of the solicitors, or one or more of the present or former principals of the firm, as the case may be, or such other name as is approved in writing by the Society. This requirement does not apply to any name that was in use on 1 July 1996.

The function of approving professional names under these regulations is vested in the Regulation of Practice Committee, and applications for approval should be addressed to the Registrar of Solicitors.

In cases where the committee does not approve a name application, the committee will state its grounds for withholding approval. Generally, the grounds will be that the name could reasonably convey to solicitors and/or non-solicitors generally any one or more of the following meanings:

a)          A meaning likely to bring the solicitors’ profession into disrepute or that is in bad taste or that reflects unfavourably on other solicitors,

b)          A meaning that the solicitor or firm of solicitors concerned has specialist knowledge in any area of law or practice superior to that of other solicitors,

c)          A meaning that the normal business of the solicitor or firm of solicitors concerned has more extensive geographical coverage than it actually has, or

d)          A meaning otherwise misleading to clients, potential clients or the wider public, or otherwise contrary to the public interest.


John Elliot,

Registrar of Solicitors and Director of Regulation