Society's Powers

The Complaints and Client Relations Section of the Society is staffed by experienced solicitors, with appropriate backup personnel.

The Complaints and Client Relations Section of the Society is staffed by experienced solicitors, with appropriate backup personnel. The Complaints and Client Relations Section on being notified of a complaint (after getting such further information from you as they think necessary to fully deal with it), refer the matter immediately to the solicitor and will attempt, in appropriate cases, to resolve the matter between you and your solicitor.

If your complaint cannot be resolved by the investigating solicitor, or resolution is not an appropriate option, a decision will be made as to whether the complaint warrants formal intervention by the Society, which would involve a referral to the Society's Complaints and Client Relations Committee. There is no necessity for you to attend the Committee meeting, but if you want to be there, tell the investigating solicitor so that arrangements can be made for your attendance.

The Complaints and Client Relations Committee will consider the documents and correspondence compiled by the Complaints and Client Relations Section and if appropriate, having interviewed the solicitor and sought any other information, which it thinks relevant may again try to resolve the matter as between the complainant and the solicitor.  If the complaint cannot be resolved the Committee will make a formal decision, based on the facts before it, whether to uphold or reject the complaint. 

Find out more about the Complaints & Client Relations Committee.