
Please read this disclaimer regarding use of the Find a Solicitor search facility.

The 'Find a Solicitor' system is a directory of practising solicitors provided by the Law Society of Ireland for information purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this list, it should not be regarded as a comprehensive list of all practising solicitors (the Register of Solicitors) or of all solicitors (the Roll of Solicitors).

The Law Society cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this list, and therefore does not accept any liability for any reliance by the user on the directory.

It is the responsibility of each individual solicitor and firm to ensure that the information in the directory is current and correct.

Please contact the Regulation Department of the Law Society if you:

  • have any concerns regarding the accuracy of information in the directory,
  • wish to access the Register of Solicitors or the Roll of Solicitors, or,
  • as a solicitor or firm, wish to update the information in the directory.

Contact the Regulation Department by phone on +353 1 879 8700, Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, or email regulation@lawsociety.ie.