In-House update – May 2022

16/05/2022 12:08:52

Access news, resources and training for in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors.

in-house solicitor update


Ukraine-based Evgen Vorobyov recently launched a campaign to have Russia removed as a member of the Financial Action Task Force. Lynn Sheehan speaks to him about the campaign’s aims for the latest Gazette.

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has published its decisions and recommendations from 18 March to 11 April. Issues covered include the recovery of an overpayment to an employee, unfair dismissal and alleged discrimination.

Booking is now open for the inaugural Dublin International Disputes Week. Running from 13 to 16 June, Dublin International Disputes Week 2022 is a new forum for international practitioners and general counsel, providing access to thought leaders and prominent international practitioners specialising in litigating complex, cross-border disputes.


The new Professional Practice Course (PPC), which commences in September 2022, provides significant logistical and practical advantages to trainees and organisations that may wish to recruit a trainee.

The Law Society is inviting applications for both mentors and mentees on a countrywide basis and from all areas of practice for this year’s Women in Leadership mentoring programme. Mentoring partners generally commit to meeting once a month for around an hour over the course of 8 months.


The Annual In-House Panel discussion takes place on Thursday 19 May. The theme this year is Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) and its impact for in-house solicitors and the organisations/businesses they serve across the public and private sectors.

Employment law, remote working and a changing landscape is the theme for the Diploma Centre’s 2022 Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Topics covered include remote working legislation, data protection issues around remote working, wellbeing and more.

Social Media

In-house solicitors can connect and network with colleagues across organisations using a private LinkedIn group.

About the In-House and Public Sector Committee

The In-House and Public Sector Committee aims to represent the views and promote the interests of this segment of the profession, while supporting the Law Society in the exercise of its representative, educational and regulatory roles as they relate to in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors. Log in to find out about the In-House and Public Sector Committee.