In-House Update - August 2020

13/08/2020 08:50:57

Access news, resources and training for in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors.


  • The Society has been advised of alternative meeting rooms near the Courts in Dublin 7, given that consultation rooms in the Four Courts are currently unavailable. This notice is provided for information only and does not constitute endorsement of any venue to the exclusion of others. See details of alternative meeting rooms
  • Discrimination on race is the most frequent complaint under the Employment Equality and Equal Status Acts seen by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). In the latest Gazette, Catherine McVey and Cliona Kimber examines the context of the Acts, and recent case law of relevance to all employers. Read the article on Racial Discrimination
  • The International Bar Association (IBA) has launched a mental wellbeing initiative with two global surveys, one for individuals, and the other for legal institutions. Take the IBA wellbeing survey
  • The President of the Law Society, Michele O'Boyle, is issuing regular President's Bulletins to keep members up-to-date on practice issues and the Society's engagement with Government. If you are not receiving Bulletins, you can subscribe or update your details using the links at the top of any Bulletin, available on the eNewsletters page. View President's Bulletins


  • Library: In addition to book loan and document delivery services with social distancing in place, study space at the Law Society Library is now open by appointment. A limited number of study desks are available and booking in advance is required. See how to book study space
  • Mental Health: Members of the Law Society, and their dependents, can access a confidential, low cost and independent mental health service. Delivered by Spectrum Life in partnership with Spectrum Mental Health, LegalMind is available day or night and includes an initial free consultation. Access LegalMind


  • Law Society Finuas Skillnet has announced the launch of #Rebound, a Skillnet Ireland Initiative to help business get back on track post Covid-19. This interactive online course will provide lawyers with a highly practical and in-depth analysis of the legislation, case law and best practice guidance relating to Covid -19 safety, health and welfare at work and its implications for employers and employees. See details of #Rebound
  • The Annual In-House & Public Sector Conference 2020 will take place on 5 November. Focused on enhancing the effectiveness of the in-house legal team, and developments in Legal Professional Privilege, This event will be available for a limited number of delegates to attend in person on a first come first served basis due to social distancing requirements. The event will also be live-streamed for delegates taking part remotely. See annual conference details
  • Booking is now open for the autumn 2020 Diploma Centre course portfolio, offering in-depth training on a wide range of legal issues. Topics of particular relevance for in-house practitioners include the Certificate in Data Protection Practice, Diploma in Regulation Law and Practice, Diploma in Corporate Law and Governance, Certificate in Trademark Law, and more. View Diploma Centre courses

Social Media

In-house solicitors can connect and network with colleagues across organisations using a private LinkedIn group.

About the In-House and Public Sector Committee

The In-House and Public Sector Committee aims to represent the views and promote the interests of this segment of the profession, while supporting the Law Society in the exercise of its representative, educational and regulatory roles as they relate to the in-house sector. Log in to find out about the In-House and Public Sector Committee.