Upholding the Rule of Law in Ukraine

11/04/2022 16:18:00

Members can now watch a recording of the recent Law Society webinar on the war in Ukraine.

russia ukraine webinar

Join us online to hear unique perspectives on the unprovoked invasion from one of Ukraine’s leading lawyers, Anna Babych, followed by a panel discussion on the rule of law and what lawyers throughout Europe can do to help. Chaired by the President of the Law Society, Michelle Ní Longáin, the webinar included contributions from:

  • Yulia Kyrpa, Executive Partner at Aequo
  • James MacGuill, President of the CCBE and former President of the Law Society, and
  • Gary Lee, Chair of the Law Society’s Human Rights and Equality Committee.

You can play the webinar in the window below, or watch on YouTube.

If you have any questions, please contact Miriam Taber, Senior PR Executive on 01 672 4915 or m.taber@lawsociety.ie.