Latest WRC decisions

31/01/2022 09:37:03

Recent employment law cases cover grievance procedures, disputed self-employment, and more.

WRC decisions June 2021

January employment case law

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) has published decisions and determinations from 1 to 13 January. Cases include:

  • a claim of an inadequate grievance procedure during high levels of Covid-19 restrictions (A Customer Services Representative v Holiday Reservations Booking Company, ADJ-00036177),
  • a claim for unfair dismissal by reason of redundancy amid significant interpersonal conflict (A Service Manager v A Motor Vehicle Sales and Repair company, ADJ-00021302), and
  • a dispute over length of service where part of a complainant's time working with the respondent had been as a self-employed contractor (A Manager v A Public Body, ADJ-00031061).

 To view the decisions, visit the WRC website.