In-House Update - July 2020

15/07/2020 14:54:23

Access news, resources and training for in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors.


  • Addressing the fixed cost of rent will be key for many commercial tenants as they move to trade out of the crisis caused by the pandemic. Barrister Alan O’Connor writes about the legal issues involved where tenants seek to reduce their liability. View the Gazette
  • The latest issue of the In-House Lawyer magazine examines the challenges posed by global crises such as Covid-19 to insurance sector in-house counsel. Anna-Cole-Bailey offers an international perspective on issues such as business interruption claims, and the general economic slowdown. Read In-House Lawyer magazine
  • The In house & Public Sector Committee and Guidance and Ethics Committee have published two practice notes on Legal Professional Privilege. Issues covered by the Practice Notes include legal advice privilege, litigation privilege, preservation of privilege where a disclosure is made to a third party, and the loss of privilege. View the practice notes
  • The President of the Law Society, Michele O'Boyle, is issuing regular President's Bulletins to keep members up-to-date on practice issues and the Society's engagement with Government. If you are not receiving Bulletins, you can subscribe or update your details using the links at the top of any Bulletin, available on the eNewsletters page. View President's Bulletins
  • The much-debated Copyright Directive entered into force on 7 June 2019, almost three years after the publication of the draft. Dr Mark Hyland, IMRO Adjunct Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the Law Society of Ireland, examines the passage of this much-debated legislation, and the challenges for member states seeking to transpose it. Learn more about the Copyright Directive


  • Members can access a new and comprehensive online guide to how the Law Society works to support you as a member and as a solicitor. The online Member Services Directory features information and contact details for key services, including regulatory support, wellbeing services and more. Visit the Member Services Directory
  • With many companies adopting long-term remote working, or other flexible arrangements, in-house solicitors may need to advise on issues arising including data protection, health and safety, and more. The Law Society has produced a guide to support employers and employees with remote and other flexible working arrangements. Download the remote working guide


  • The Annual In-House & Public Sector Conference 2020 will take place on 5 November. Focused on enhancing the effectiveness of the in-house legal team, and developments in Legal Professional Privilege, This event will be available for a limited number of delegates to attend in person on a first come first served basis due to social distancing requirements. The event will also be live-streamed for delegates taking part remotely. See annual conference details
  • The Law Society Diploma Centre will offer a Diploma in Regulation Law this October. This course provides participants with an overview of the rationale for regulation, the various types of frameworks, and will introduce participants to key theories and concepts guiding regulation. It will demonstrate the cross-sectoral impact of regulation as well as introduce a number of the main regulatory sectors, including financial, health, energy, telecoms and professions. Book the Diploma in Regulation Law

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In-house solicitors can connect and network with colleagues across organisations using a private LinkedIn group.

The In-House and Public Sector Committee

The In-House and Public Sector Committee aims to represent the views and promote the interests of this segment of the profession, while supporting the Law Society in the exercise of its representative, educational and regulatory roles as they relate to the in-house sector. Log in to find out about the In-House and Public Sector Committee.