Ten steps to improve productivity

Plan ahead. Compile a ‘must do today’ list at the end of each day – for the following day – so that you are ready to start what is important when you arrive at your desk.

Guidance and Ethics, Practice Management 07/03/2014
  1. Plan ahead. Compile a ‘must do today’ list at the end of each day – for the following day – so that you are ready to start what is important when you arrive at your desk.
  2. Arrive early. Try and get to the office at least 15 minutes before opening/the phone starts to ring, in order to make a good start.
  3. Remember the ‘urgent/important matrix’ – what is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.
  4. Use time effectively. Work expands to fill the time available to complete it.
  5. Do not re-invent the wheel. Contact a colleague who may have dealt with a similar matter to get advice, precedents and know-how.
  6. A problem shared is a problem halved. Share a difficult file with a colleague: an objective eye might help solve the problem.
  7. Sort files into batches according to their work type and deal with similar files at the same time to increase efficiency for you and your support staff.
  8. Take breaks. A ten-minute walk can help you think clearly. Leave your smart phone behind!
  9. Get money on account from your clients – we always work better with a full tummy!
  10. Issue interim bills – cash flow is king.