AGM registration

All Law Society members are invited to attend the hybrid AGM 2023.

Advance registration for online attendance has now passed. Registration for members attending in-person is not mandatory.

Meeting information and agenda

Please ensure your email address is up-to-date. Members who have registered to attend online will be emailed a Zoom Webinar link in advance of the meeting.

All members who attend the AGM online can contribute to the meeting via Zoom Webinar. You can either ask questions through the Q&A during the event or Raise Your Hand function and unmute your microphone to contribute.

Annual Report

The AGM will consider the Annual Report for the year 2022/2023 and a report on the Audited Financial Statements for year ending 31 December 2022. View the Annual Report and Audited Accounts.

AGM 2023 agenda

Members who attend the event will be able to vote on three proposed motions and approve the minutes of the AGM 2022.

To view the draft minutes from the AGM 2022, see: AGM 2022

To view the event’s full agenda, including the proposed motions, see: AGM 2023 agenda

For queries relating to the AGM, please email