Legislation update - 26 September

New Acts and Statutory Instruments.


No Acts signed since 23 July 2024

Acts to date are published electronically on the Irish Statute Book website.


The current status of all Bills can be viewed under Bills & Acts on the Oireachtas website

Statutory Instruments

SI 459/2024. These Regulations update existing Regulations with regard to additional levels of controls on the import of certain food of non-animal origin from specific third countries with regard to pesticide residues and on the import of certain feed of nonanimal origin from specific third countries.

Commencement: 10 September 2024

SI 461/2024.

Commencement: 23 September 2024

SI 462/2024. These Regulations supplement in Irish law Regulation (EU) 2019/6 relating to veterinary medicinal products and Regulation (EU) 2019/4 relating to medicated feed and provide for the following: • the issuing and dispensing of medicinal products subject to a veterinary prescription; • the operation of a parasite control programme; • record keeping for veterinarians and owners and keepers of foodproducing animals; • matters on the retail and wholesale of veterinary medicinal products; • retail at a distance of such products; • storage of such products; • advertising of such products; • setting fees in relation to licences issued; • matters to be provided under national law in the above EU Regulations; • the operation of the national database.

Commencement: 12 September 2024

SI 463/2024.

Commencement: 9 April 2024

SI 464/2024.

Commencement: See SI for parts

SI 465/2024. These Regulations provide for the enforcement of Council Regulation (EC) No. 881/2002 of 27 May 2002, as amended, regarding restrictive measures concerning ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Organisations. Section 42 of the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005 creates an offence for breach of the provisions of these Regulations, provides for appropriate penalties, and empowers the Minister for Finance to make regulations providing for such incidental, supplementary and consequential provisions as appear to the Minister to be necessary. The Regulations revoke a previous domestic instrument created under Section 42 of the Criminal Justice (Terrorist Offences) Act 2005 in relation to Council Regulation (EC) No. 881/2002 of 27 May 2002, as amended.

Commencement: 13 September 2024

SI 466/2024.

Commencement: 9 October 2024

SI 467/2024.

Commencement: 12 September 2024

SI 468/2024.

Commencement: 18 September 2024

SI 469/2024.

Commencement: 16 September 2024

SI 470/2024.

Commencement: 19 September 2024

SI 471/2024.

Commencement: 19 September 2024

SI 472/2024.

Commencement: 19 September 2024

SI 473/2024.

Commencement: 19 September 2024



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