Wi-Fi for Blackhall Place Campus

Access information on the Wi-Fi service at Blackhall Place and in Education buildings.

The current password, as of lunchtime on Thursday 4 January 2024, is:  BlackhallPlace24@

Reconnecting your device

If you have an older password saved to your device for the LSI Wi-Fi network, you will need to enter the new password to enjoy continued access. Most devices will automatically prompt you to provide the password. 

If you experience any problems, please contact the IT Team for assistance.

Keep it confidential

This service is solely for staff, students, and our members when they are onsite in Blackhall Place. Notices will be put in meeting rooms to advise visitors of this password. However, please do not to share the password publicly in any other way, as unauthorised persons should not have access to the wi-fi network.

There is a threat that a rogue device on the network could compromise your private device or the Wi-Fi network. The risk of losing the wi-fi service is a real possibility if such an event takes place.