
The Society would like to welcome you to the 2021/2022 solicitors’ PII renewal and draw your attention to the new features available for online confirmation of cover.

The Society has introduced this new online PII portal for confirmation of cover. The new PII portal connects directly into the Society’s database, streamlining the confirmation of cover process, and is a more self-service function with each brokerage having firm admins with the ability to update user lists search firms and add cover. In this portal, you can also see  useful news items, information and documentation for brokers to access in order to assist you with the renewal.

In advance of the renewal, please ensure that your firm admin has reviewed the list of users connected to your brokerage, and made any necessary changes.

Getting help

If you are having difficulties with the system, please note the following:

  • If you are not set up as a user for your brokerage, or your details are incorrect, please contact your firm administrator to update your record.
  • If you are having difficulty resetting your password, please contact webmaster@lawsociety.ie.
  • If you are having difficulties logging cover for a solicitor firm, please contact PIIconfirmation@lawsociety.ie.
  • If you have queries related to PII itself, including minimum terms and conditions, please contact piihelpline@lawsociety.ie.

Other important notes

In relation to logging PII cover, please note the following:

  • Please ensure to log the correct policy number. Cover cannot be logged without a policy number in place and duplicate policy numbers will be flagged.
  • If the solicitor firm is covered by more than one insurer (such as the Starr/Canopius/AmTrust) facility, please ensure to log the relevant percentage cover provided by each insurer, and do not log under just one insurer.
  • If the cover being logged crosses indemnity periods, the cover will have to be logged twice with the start and end date in the same indemnity period. For example, if a firm has cover commencing 1 October 2021 and ceasing 30 November 2022 (14-month cover), you should log the cover twice with the same policy number in each of the indemnity periods, with the first period of cover from 1 October 2021 to 30 November 2021, and the second period of cover 1 December 2021 to 30 November 2022.
  • Please ensure accuracy when logging cover. The Society will be providing each insurer with a list of firms covered, policy numbers, and the broker who logged cover, after the renewal for verification. Incorrect notification of cover can have serious consequences for your client and your brokerage.
  • Please notify your client when cover has been logged.

Thank you for your kind attention and we hope that you and your clients have a good renewal experience.