Updated legal costs documents

20/07/2021 14:23:00

The Legal Services Regulation Act Task Force has updated its suite of documents and precedents.

updated costs documents

As practitioners will be aware, section 150 of the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 has been in force since 7 October 2019, replacing section 68 of the Solicitors (Amendment) Act 1994.  The Legal Services Regulation Act Task Force has made a suite of precedent and guidance documents available to solicitors since that time.

Feedback from members has suggested that those precedent documents could be made more user-friendly and that there should be text for specific areas of practice.

As a result, and with the assistance of specialised committees within the Society, the Task Force has prepared a redrafted suite of costs precedents and guidance materials.

As always, compliance with the legislation is a matter of personal responsibility for each practitioner to make and the sample texts provided should be used as a guide only.

The suite of documents is available to view in the Law Society Website precedents area.


This article originally appeared in the 20 July Member eZine. For more information, and to subscribe, visit eNewsletters.