Upcoming Ireland for Law events

09/03/2021 18:08:56

Ireland For Law is organising a range of events in March and April to highlight the unique benefits of Ireland as a jurisdiction for international legal businesses.

Ireland for Law Event

Collaboration with the New York State Bar Association – March-April 2021

A series of free and interactive online webinars delivered conjunction with the New York State Bar Association’s International Section will cover data privacy, international arbitration, the aviation sector and financial services. Registration links and details of confirmed events are available below.

Advocacy in Europe – 18 March 2021

This panel discussion, delivered in collaboration with The European Circuit, will offer ‘A View from the Bench in Luxembourg & Strasbourg.’

Chief Justice Zaki's virtual visit to Dublin – 23 March 2021

Mr Justice David Barnivile and Zaki Azmi (Chief Justice of the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts) will discuss the commercial courts, and their role in protecting trade between the UAE and Ireland.

About Ireland For Law

Ireland for Law is the banner brand for Ireland's International Legal Services Strategy. The brand has been created to represent and position Ireland’s international legal services industry.

Chaired by former Taoiseach John Bruton, Ireland for Law is a key action of the Government's wider strategy of pursuing trade and investment opportunities from Brexit. It is also supported by the Law Society and the Bar of Ireland. For more information, see the Ireland For Law website.