Online Booking Terms & Conditions for Law Society Professional Training and Law Society Skillnet

Welcome to your Law Society Professional Training and Law Society Skillnet training programme. By booking a course with us you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Personal data and privacy: When you sign up for a new training programme, Law Society Professional Training, Law Society Skillnet and Skillnet Ireland will use the personal information in your profile (previously provided by you on registration with the Law Society) in connection with your training course. At the end of your training programme, you will also be asked to complete a Reaction to Learning Form (or other feedback form).

The use of the personal data you provide (on or after booking and from your profile) is essential for your participation in the training course, for our continued efforts to provide a wide range of relevant and desirable training programmes, for communication with you, and for effective operation and administration.

Law Society Professional Training, Law Society Skillnet and Skillnet Ireland will comply with all applicable Data Protection Legislation in the management and processing of your information and personal data in connection with your training. Your data will be processed in line with the following Privacy Statements as appropriate to your training course:

Some specific examples of how your information may be used and when your information may be shared with third parties in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Statements include (but are not limited to) the following:

  1. for the purposes of delivering Law Society Professional Training programmes and/or Skillnet Ireland training programmes (via Law Society Skillnet) and complying with the Skillnet Ireland grant obligations including audit compliance inspections;
  2. for the purposes of furnishing details to the CPD Scheme section to prove your attendance at our training;
  3. for the purposes of securely storing participant information with our IT services provider;
  4. for the purpose of conducting surveys to evaluate the quality and impact of the programmes delivered by Law Society Professional Training and/or Law Society Skillnet. For such surveys, you may be contacted at some point in the future (no longer than 24 months following completion of your training either by telephone or email); and
  5. for the purpose of providing the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science with statistical information to help inform national policy in relation to skills (only aggregated and statistical data will be reported to the Department for this).

For further details please see the Privacy Statements applicable to your course set out at the links above, which should be read in conjunction with these terms and conditions (and which form part thereof).

Should you have any queries in relation to this information please email: or

Cancellation by the Law Society: Law Society Professional Training and Law Society Skillnet reserve the right to cancel a training event due to unforeseen circumstances or substitute speakers without prior notice and/or change the methodology of delivery from on-site to online.

Cancellation by the participant: Cancellations by the participant must be received in writing (email accepted to or three working days before the training event. Cancellations received after this will incur the full training event fee. In this instance a copy of the materials will be provided following the training event and/or, if possible and if the Law Society considers relevant and appropriate, access to the online course may be made available.

Substitute attendance: If you are unable to attend the full day, a substitute from your firm may attend in your place. Please inform us of any changes in advance of the commencement of the training event. Substituted attendance shall only apply where you cannot attend the full day. Half-day substitution is not permitted.

Acknowledgement of registration: If you have not received acknowledgement of your training event registration one week before the training event, please telephone Law Society Professional Training and/or Law Society Skillnet in Dublin on 01 881 5727 or email: or

CPD hours: The number of hours indicated in Law Society Professional Training and/or Law Society Skillnet training brochures are intended as a guide only. Attendance at training events should only be claimed as part of your requirement in accordance with the actual training delivered and attended on the day.

While every care is taken in the delivery of our training and related materials, no legal responsibility or liability is accepted, warranted, or implied by the speakers, the Law Society of Ireland, or Law Society Skillnet in connection with any course content. Our training is intended as general information and guidance only and does not purport to be legal advice. Participants are advised to seek independent professional advice before acting on anything included in a training course in any specific case.

Updated June 2024