In-House Update - March 2021

22/03/2021 10:07:35

Access news, resources and training for in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors.

in-house solicitor update


  • The landscape for law firms has changed significantly over the past year. In the latest Gazette, David Rowe explores the timing for in-house and public-sector legal teams to go to market for external legal services. Read the Gazette
  • A recent Information Session for younger members and trainee solicitors offered practical guidance on securing and succeeding in an in-house role. The discussion, between Donna McGrath and Maeve Delargy, is available to view in full on the Law Society's YouTube channel. Watch the video
  • Next month, the Law Society will launch the Dignity Matters survey. This survey will ask everyone on the Roll of Solicitors about their experience of previous/current work environments, specifically as it relates to bullying, harassment and sexual harassment. Independent research consultancy, Crowe, will deliver the survey, ensure adherence to ethical research guidelines, and protect participants anonymity and confidentiality. An email with survey details will be sent by Crowe in April to everyone on the Roll of Solicitors.
  • With Brexit 'done’, the Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement now govern the ‘divorce settlement’ between the EU and the UK. Cormac Little analyses the deal in the latest Gazette. Read the article


  • The Law Society’s Professional Wellbeing Charter is a new resource available to in-house and public sector legal teams. The Charter organises the profession's values around wellbeing, in the form of commitments, and provides a forum for firms, and in-house and publics sector legal teams, to commit to these publicly and collectively. By signing the Charter, legal teams commit to proactively improving leadership and championing behaviours, skills, and ways of working that promote and enable wellbeing across all levels and roles in the workplace. Sign up to the Charter 
  • Ireland For Law is organising a range of events in March and April to highlight the unique benefits of Ireland as a jurisdiction for international legal businesses. Several of the events - covering aviation, financial services and international arbitration - may be of particular interest to in-house practitioners. See event details


  • On 27 May, the In-house and Public Sector Committee and Law Society Finuas Skillnet will host the annual in-house Panel Discussion in an online format. The topic will be ‘remote working and the in-house solicitor’. Book your place

Social Media

In-house solicitors can connect and network with colleagues across organisations using a private LinkedIn group.

About the In-House and Public Sector Committee

The In-House and Public Sector Committee aims to represent the views and promote the interests of this segment of the profession, while supporting the Law Society in the exercise of its representative, educational and regulatory roles as they relate to in-house solicitors in the private and public sectors. Log in to find out about the In-House and Public Sector Committee