Current Issues
- The Committee assists Law Society Professional Training with the organisation of training events, on topical issues of interest and concern to in-house solicitors. As well as the educational benefits, these help to promote collegiality and the forming of connections between in-house solicitors. For details of our training events, see the Committee's News & Events.
- The Committee communicates with the profession through the Society’s various communications channels, including periodic articles in the Gazette, and the In-house Update, which features in the Members’ eZine and on the Website. For recent examples of this, see Resources.
- The Committee continues to provide guidance to individual members of the profession in response to phone and written queries. The Committee’s Guide for In-House Solicitors Employed in the Corporate and Public Sectors provides both prospective and existing in-house solicitors with key information.
- The Committee represents the Society at the European Company Lawyers Association (ECLA) General Assembly meetings held twice a year. For details, see Networking under FAQ.
- The Committee liaises with other Society Committees and/or Society staff to provide the in-house solicitor perspective to submissions and practice notes, as the need arises.