Insurance (PII)

View information and resources for PII Renewal below.

PII Renewal 2024/2025

The PII Guide to Renewal 2024/2025, Common Proposal Form 2023/2024, and list of brokers are available below. The list of insurers for 2024/2025 will be published shortly.

PII Forms & Resources

Click on the links below for current PII forms, news and resources


PII Renewal 2023/2024

The Common Proposal Form, list of brokers, Participating Insurers Agreement, Guide to Renewal, and list of brokers are available below.

Documentation and resources for the 2022/2023 indemnity period, and earlier indemnity periods, can be found at Other PII Resources under 'Resources for previous indemnity periods'. 

Insurance Status of Firm

Please note that information on the current professional indemnity insurance (“PII”) provider for each firm is available under Firm Insurance Details.

Guide to Renewal 

A range of documents are now available for the 2023/2024 renewal period, with more to be published shortly.

  1. Tips for renewal
  2. Guidance for obtaining the best quote
  3. Important points to note
  4. Guide to Special Purpose Fund (coming soon)
  5. Guide to Insurers
  6. List of Participating Insurers 2023/2024 (coming soon)
  7. Guide to Brokers
  8. List of brokers 2023/2024

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Current PII Regulations & minimum terms and conditions

Common Proposal Form 

The editable Common Proposal Form documentation for the 2024/2025 indemnity period can be downloaded below. These are large files so they may take a few moments to open. Firstly save the form to your computer before you complete the form. You should use this form and guidance to apply for PII cover unless otherwise directed by your broker.

You may need to select 'control' and 'F5' on your keyboard when accessing the form to see the latest version.

Please note: a certificate of good standing is not required to be included with the common proposal form as part of your PII application. 

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Participating Insurers Agreement

Insurers are required to sign a participating insurers agreement in order to participate in the solicitors’ PII market.

The signed agreement is required to be received by the Special Purpose Fund Manager, DWF Claims (Ireland) Limited in hard and soft copy on or before close of business on 1 November 2023.

The Society has no power to grant any extension of this deadline. As such, if the form is not submitted to the Special Purpose Fund Manager on or before 1 November 2023, the insurer will not be permitted to act as a participating insurers in the market in 2022/2023. It should be noted that there is no minimum level of participation in the Special Purpose Fund for any insurer who signs the Participating Insurers Agreement this year.

Queries or applications to the SPF Manager should be directed to DWF Claims (Ireland) Limited.

PII quotes

All insurers are required to leave quotes to firms open for a period of not less than 10 working days. This requirement was introduced in the 2012/2013 indemnity period and remains in place. 


The list of participating insurers for the 2023/2024 indemnity period is available below. There is one new insurer in the market, Carbon Underwriting Limited, and all existing insurers have remained in the market for the 2023/2024 indemnity period.

Lists of participating insurers for previous indemnity periods can be accessed under Other PII Resources.

Financial rating of insurers

The Society introduced a new requirement for all participating insurers for the 2018/2019 indemnity period increasing the required minimum financial strength rating of the insurer from BBB (S&P, Fitch or equivalent) to A (Fitch, S&P or equivalent). Insurers must meet and maintain the minimum financial strength rating to participate in the market. Information on the insurer’s financial rating should be provided with every quote.

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The list of brokers who expressed their willingness to arrange PII cover from participating insurers for the 2023/2024 indemnity period is as follows. 

For a list of brokers for previous indemnity periods, see Other PII Resources.

Login for brokers

For details of login access or other broker queries, see confirmation of cover below.

Confirmation of Cover 

Confirmation of cover for the 2023/2024 indemnity period must be provided to the Law Society (through the Society’s online confirmation of cover system) no later than close of business on Wednesday 6 December 2023.

Such confirmation must include your policy number, and confirmation of cover cannot be provided until the policy is actually in place. It is the statutory responsibility of the solicitor firm to ensure that such confirmation of cover is provided to the Law Society in the required online form.

It is noted that some firms who have confirmed PII cover to the Society during 2021 have a coverage period that extends past 30 November 2023 (variable renewal date). Such firms are still required to re-confirm cover for 2023/2024 with the Society by 6 December 2023. Please note that your firm will not be reflected as having PII in place on the Society’s “Find a Firm” online search facility until the Society has received the required online confirmation of cover and the Law Society’s system has been updated.

Please note that cover must be provided through the Society’s online portal by your broker and will not be accepted in hard or soft copy. Firms are advised to ask your broker for a copy of the Society’s email confirmation to ensure that the broker has lodged cover through the Society’s online portal on or before close of business on 6 December 2023.

If any firm has a new coverage period commencing prior to 1 December 2023, you are required to ensure that your broker provides confirmation of cover through the Society’s online portal within 3 working days of the date of commencement of your cover, and re-confirms the cover through the Society’s online portal on or before 6 December 2023.

If your cover commences after 1 December 2023, you are required to ensure that your broker provides confirmation of cover through the online portal within 3 working days of the date of commencement of your cover.

If you have any queries, please email

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Special Purpose Fund Manager (Assigned Risks Pool and Run-off Fund)

The Special Purpose Fund consists of the Assigned Risks Pool and the Run-off Fund. The Assigned Risks Pool is the insurer of last resort for solicitors unable to obtain cover in the market. The Run-off Fund provides run-off cover to eligible ceased firms. 

See more information and contact details for the Fund Manager under Run-off Cover.

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Run-off Cover

For information including the Run-off Fund and Run-off Fund Guidelines, see the Run-off cover section.

Risk management

One of the main factors taken into account by insurers when considering the risk profile of a solicitor firm, and therefore whether the insurer is willing to insure a firm and the cost of that insurance, is the implementation and maintenance of risk management strategies and procedures to minimise the risk of an insurance claim against the firm.  

The Society's risk management guidance notes set out risk management policies and procedures that firms should consider implementing in order to reduce the firm’s risk profile and correspondence PII premium.

Previous Indemnity periods

PII documentation, forms, statutory instruments, Risk Management Consultants and news items for indemnity periods prior to 2023/2024 can be accessed under Other PII resources.

Helpline for Solicitors

The Law Society operates a PII helpline Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm to assist firms in dealing with the professional indemnity insurance queries. The helpline can be contacted by phoning 01 879 8707 or emailing

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